We pride ourselves in building and operating data infrastructure and business analytics systems that are intuitive, scalable and low-maintenance.
We are advocates of centralized master datasets. We encode the relevant business logic and create a solid data foundation to streamline operations.
We work with leading data engineering and technology platforms. We aim to combine the strenghts of individual products to create superior overall performance.
Our standard approach to designing, building and maintaining complex data architectures is by applying our Integrated Performance Framework. This framework has been developed over the last two years, bringing together the best practices and repetitive demands that exist within the majority of companies. The full summary of the framework can be found here.
We have partnered with the leading technology providers in the modern datastack eco-system. We have shared Slack channels to effectively resolve issues and discuss new data applications.
We are currently collaborating with companies that have headcounts of 15 up to 200 people, and 2 up to 15 million EUR in annual revenue. Our clients specialise in software development, maritime engineering, security certification and business consulting.