
Our demonstration assets provide an insight in our capabilities when it comes to designing performance enhancing applications. All the demonstration assets can be used in public and commercial analytics setups. We designed the demos in such a way that your team members should be able to replicate them in your own tech-stack. When you need assistance, schedule a call with us below. The demonstration assets currently available are: 


- Internal Analytics | Looker Studio (link)

- Internal Analytics | Power BI 📅

- Embedded Analytics | Highcharts 📅


- KPI Dashboard | Google Sheets (link)

- Monthly Report | Google Sheets 📅

- Embedded Charts | Highcharts 📅

Ad-hoc Analysis

- Analytics Agent | Typescript (link)

- Upsell Calculator | Google Sheets 📅

Semantics API

- Custom queries API | Cube (link)


- Client usage projections | Hex 📅

KPI Dashboard

Dashboards are often used by executives and team leaders to guide their priorities and track their execution on tactical and strategic initiatives. We cater to this need with our free-to-use KPI Dashboard demo environment. Its origin is rooted in the balanced scorecard strategic framework. The balanced scorecard was introduced to a wider public by the Harvard Business Review article from Kaplan and Norton in 1992 and since then has been adopted widely across many industries.

In the 2020 balanced scorecard survey by 2GC, 92% of the respondents mentioned that the scorecard was either extremely useful or very useful. The survey concludes that the main usage focused on strategic management and has the largest influence on business actions.

We have developed and continue to iterate on a scorecard design that combines the strategic elements of the balanced scorecard with an intuitive overview of all related KPIs and their goals.

The design presents the four perspectives: Financials, Customers, Internal Processes, and Learn & Growth. The strategic overarching elements like proposition, mission, ambition, and strategy are presented at the upper right of the dashboard to act as an anchor-point during business decisions to keep the long-term direction on top of mind for all decision makers. In the bottom right the top-4 critical success factors are visualised by showing their related KPIs and the planned outcome. In the upper row you can choose the period-month that determines the latest actual month and determines which actuals and estimates input to use for the KPIs.

The KPI Dashboard template can be accessed by opening the related template file in Google Sheet. It can be duplicated into your own Google Drive or downloaded as a Microsoft Excel file.

Fractional data engineering
for dependable performance tracking.

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